Cayuga Lake 7/8 – 7/10


7/8: Guided Mike and Amy out of Myers Park and we had some very solid laker action. I can’t recall how many fish they got but they kept a limit. I want to say around 11, but it might have been fewer. Either way, the fishing was steady and the weather hot and humid but the breeze (at times) kept things manageable. Thunderstorms and rain left us alone.

7/9 – 10: Did two full days with Dave, Dan, Dan #2 (aka “Dismal Dan”), Steve, Dave #2 and Bill. No I haven’t started guiding 6 people at once but we did 2 full days and swapped out anglers after a few hours. I will occasionally do this kind of thing but it’s all done within the confines of an 8 hour day.

Obviously the guys are all around their 30s to 60s age-wise, otherwise we’d have unique spellings like “Dayve,” “Bihl” and “Dahn” in a losing effort to convince the world how special and unique we all are. Just like snowflakes – no two are exactly alike, yet in most ways every single one is just the same……however I digress, this is a fishing report.

The Salvation Army Derby was going on but as usual we didn’t enter it. Maybe next year but I’d forgotten about it and entering 6 guys and myself would’ve been tricky given that I didn’t know the deal. The fishing was tough for us in a lot of ways – we had high winds Saturday PM and all day long Sunday but I was able to get the guys into some good fishing despite my trolling motor batteries dying on Sunday (due to age.) Dismal Dan had the hot hand on Saturday AM landing 2 solid lakers – 27″ and 28″ and one around 15″. The other Dan also got a decent fish. The PM bite was tougher with Dave landing a 27″ and Steve getting a nice fish. On Day 2 everybody on both trips caught fish with Bill and Dave (#1) stepping up. Each trip on Day 2 resulted in around 6 fish landed and a few good ones lost. When the guys saw the wind and rain on Sunday I think some of them might have been skeptical (maybe even myself!) but I was very happy with our results given the nasty conditions.