Cayuga Lake out of Taughannock 8/11


AM Trip: Did a morning 1/2 day trip with Paul and Juan – guys that met in college quite a few years ago. We started with lakers and the fishing was very good, the guys limited out in fairly short order. Paul couldn’t top his wife Liza’s 31″ laker from Sat. AM though. Then we fished for browns with Paul nailing a 9lb 10 oz beauty. The guys were a lot of fun.

PM Trip: Guided Dan who’s been fishing with me once or twice a year probably since I started guiding. We tried for browns early and he landed a few small lakers. Then we went laker fishing and Dan nailed a 30″ beauty over 9lbs that fought great. Fish just weren’t snapping up the jigs very well. We marked a ton of fish – Dan had dozens of hits and a few short hookups, but nothing very solid. Fun fishing, slow catching. 75′ and out was good. We worked both shores near Taughannock.