Myers Boat Launch Temporarily Closed
When I was out guiding on Monday, I noticed some construction equipment over at Myers Park. I drove over today to see what the launch looked like. The heavy debris from last fall’s high water events was all gone. The launch is closed. Crews have been replacing the rusted out breakwalls along the north side of the channel to the lake. The channel has also been widened a bit. I’m guessing this work should be completed sometimes in the next few weeks, given how much work has already been accomplished in fairly short order.
Most of the ice is gone from the marina. The lake level has been rising with the rain and melting snow. I would expect the Long Point Launch to be fairly ice-free by now. I will check it out in a week or two. Quite a bit of waterfowl was swimming around the open water in the marina. I saw quite a few ducks including mergansers.