Reports 10/8 – 10/11
Fishing remains good to very good in the region for lake trout. Surface temperatures on the lakes are in the low 60s – generally 61 to 63. Here’s the breakdown over the past four days:
10/8 AM Owasco Lake: Did a 1/2 day trip starting just after 8 am with Charles and his wife Theresa. Charlie’s first trip with me was back in October of 2008 for pike. Over the last couple seasons we’ve targeted lake trout. Owasco Lake has been producing some really top-notch lake trout fishing over the past couple weeks and today was no exception. I think we had around 11 or 12 lake trout boated during our morning. Fish ran large and we had a few around 27″ to 29″ if my memory serves me correctly.
10/9 Cayuga Lake out of Myers AM: Went out with my buddy Mike starting at around 11:30 am. He just finished up the eggtake on Cayuga Lake yesterday and had to close up their rental. We hadn’t fished together in a while and I just wanted to catch up with him on how everything went. We brought gear for largemouth and smallmouth bass. Fishing was slow in part due to sunny, calm conditions. We saw a few bass but were not able to connect. I had one smallmouth follow in a tube jig. I also had a salmon follow one in. I had a bone jarring hit from what was likely a salmon that didn’t connect and lastly I landed a 24″ pickerel on a Senko, but that was it. We were both really tired from long weeks at work so we called it a day after 4 hours.
10/10 AM Owasco Lake: Did a half day trip with John and his sons, Hunter and Zane. It’s always a fun time with this crew and today was no exception. The weather forecast looked heinous for today but my maxim is “when in doubt, go out” as many of you probably know. When I heard the wind blowing at 5 am I had some regrets but as I arrived at Emerson Park just before 8 am I could see the lake was flat! So much for the 30 mph gusts from the south….
Fishing was very good to excellent. The guys landed around a dozen nice trout up to over 30″. We had a couple 29″ers too. Where were those fish back in July, August and September? Probably suspended over deep water! Solid day and the wind didn’t come up until I was well on my way home at 1pm.
Zane with a 29" Owasco Lake laketrout

Hunter with a good fish!

10/10 AM Cayuga Lake out of Myers Park: Today I guided Scott for a 1/2 day. It was the first time I’ve targeted lakers here since last Monday, October 5th – just as the eggtake was starting. Scott nabbed a nice 29″ laker in short order not far from Myers. After that it was a slow go. We had plenty of bait under us. Water temperatures were around 60 degrees going down past 80′. I made a good run north and found better conditions for him to jig. Fishing up there was very good and Scott nabbed another 4 solid fish. He lost a decent one at the net and also missed some good hits. All in all a great morning and nearly all his fish ran 27″ to 29″ with one around 26″ that we kept. The kept fish was eating young alewives – fish maybe 2″ long.
Here’s what remains open onwards:
October 31st
November 1st, 8th, 13th – 18th, 20th – 30th
All of December is open