Seneca Lake out of Geneva 9/14
Guided Matthias (from Brazil!) today for a full day for lake trout. The bite was definitely spotty today, with fish in deep water – generally 85′ to 120′. The strong south winds from Saturday really moved the thermocline deep. We worked Geneva along with Sampson and some areas in-between. As the day went on, Matt got better with the technique. Most fish came right on bottom. He wound up landing 6 solid fish up to 29″. We had a lot of fun and there were more boats than I’ve seen in a while out fishing, at least in the afternoon.
In a totally unrelated topic, I’d be doing a disservice to not recommend the following book for aficionados of Central NY fish and fishing – Ron Berg’s great cookbook “Northwoods Fish Cookery.” My dad got this book for me back in 2000 and it’s fantastic. Ron was a guide and is the executive chef at the Gunflint Lodge – a premier northern Minnesota resort. He has a bunch of great recipes, from simple to complex for lake trout, walleyes, panfish and northern pike along with most other fish of the region. Want to know exactly how to do a guide’s “shore lunch?” It’s in there. A simple yet incredibly perfect breading mix used by most guides in the North country? It’s in there. Recipes for smoking fish, how to fillet the bones out of pike, beer batter, Cajun seasoning, pike livers, stuffings, stocks, soups, campfire cooking, quick cocktail sauce (when you don’t have the right ingredients,) etc… He also has info on keeping fish fresh and some great stories and anecdotes from the field. I can’t recommend this book highly enough! Get it and you won’t regret it.