Seneca Lake out of Watkins 3/21
Just a brutal day out on Seneca Lake today. The lake was whitecapping at its south end – and it was a southerly wind! It was cold too. There were 2′ to 3′ waves up at the Salt Plant and across the lake from there. Water temps are a cold 37 degrees and we had to drive the boat through ice to get out onto the lake. That is, after I got my boat/truck stuck in my driveway in the morning.
Perch fishermen are out in decent numbers and the fishing is reportedly anywhere from fair to excellent. Hit them right and you load the boat – otherwise you pick up a few. My buddy Eric and I spent most of our time fly-casting. It was tough but we managed to find a drift where the wind/current wasn’t too bad. It was still nasty, but fishable. As usual Eric pulled the rabbit out of his hat with a beautiful 22″ to 23″ landlocked salmon. Today was a “catch and release” day and that’s what we did after a couple quick photos. Nice plump clean fish! He also popped a northern around 26″ near some weeds. I tried one area for perch for an hour without a hit. We called it a day after around 5 hours and grabbed a bite to eat and a couple beers. Just nasty out, and I’m glad it wasn’t a “guide trip”.