Skaneateles Lake 11/3
It felt good getting out today with my buddy Mike on Skaneateles Lake. We started at 7 am with a steady south wind. Mike nailed a nice 17″ to 18″ landlocked salmon in short order on the N. end of the lake. We worked areas south and didn’t do much for the first hour or two – apart from a nice smallmouth bass and a laker. But we worked some different areas and found a couple shelves/points that were paved with lakers and a few greedy jumbo perch that were gobbling laker eggs! In some areas it was a laker every cast with a jig. Flyfishing for lakers wasn’t quite as effective, but was still worthwhile. Mike nailed a nice laker around 22″ to 23″ among a bunch of others. Most fish were 15″ to 17″. I caught a couple very nice smallmouths, and casting an olive woolly bugger got me one of the nicest rainbows I’ve caught on the lake – a 23″ silvery beauty that was thick bodied and fought great. It was the result of a LONG cast – maybe 90′ and hit way out. We were lucky to land it, and after a quick couple photos we released it – still “green”. We kept lakers and perch today. Water temps range from 46 to 50 degrees. Great fishing today and it should hold up for another week (on the lakers).