Skaneateles Lake 5/9
Guided Gordon for a full day starting around 8:30 am. I believe he’s been coming out fishing with me since my first year in business. He mainly fly-fishes and apart from 2 hours of laker jigging while we waited for the winds to set up, that’s what he did. He had a hold of 4 or 5 lakers momentarily. Smaller hooks probably would’ve helped us in hooking the usual 15″ to 18″ lakers found here. Who knows? Whatever the reason, the hooks pulled out after a few second battle. Even ones I thought he stung well came off.
Fly-fishing was a challenge here as usual. He had to work some different areas before we encountered any trout or salmon. In one area Gordon landed 2 salmon around 16″ to 17″, lost one and also landed a gorgeous 21″ rainbow. Another salmon at 17.5″ was landed in another part of the lake. A few smallmouths and a couple jumbo perch rounded out the day. Everything was released apart from the jumbo ringbacks. The good old olive bugger in a size 4 did the trick today fished on an intermediate 7 weight line. Water temps were in the mid 40s.