Waneta Lake 6/5


Spent the full-day here guiding Mark I. for muskies, mainly on the fly-rod.  The launch was packed when we met here just before 9 am.  Given that (pure-strain) musky season had just opened on June 1st., I guess we shouldn’t have been too surprised, but it was a weekday.  We also had great conditions being a day away from the new moon, overcast skies and a good wind that really blew strongly at times.  Mark cast his butt off as usual.  Unfortunately he never raised a fish on the flies.  He gave some gear (I just bring a very basic spoon set-up – 2 outfits/2 spoons when out here with Mark) a good shot for maybe 3 hours, with no grabs either.

The fish certainly saw a lot of lures today;  people were all over the lake hitting a lot of the same areas both trolling and casting. A lot of guys were throwing some big musky baits.  When we got back I talked to one angler who was an old acquaintance of mine and a friend of a mutual client/friend.  He and his buddy each nabbed a decent fish today on gear.  They also caught a couple on opening day last Saturday.  One guy coming in when we launched didn’t catch anything today trolling, but nabbed a 46″er yesterday, so some nice fish are being caught for diligent anglers.  Water temp was around 73.  Lake level was decent.  Clarity was good.  Plenty of weed growth is up too.