Cayuga Lake 3/22 Report
A slow day today that I’d chalk up to a lack of wind this morning. Very calm and sunny to start. Worked numerous areas with Toby Wood, THE jigging man of the Finger Lakes region. During a little bit of a breeze I managed to pick up a 20″ clean landlocked salmon. Had one other follow and that was pretty much it. We found some nice flats that will come in handy from April – June when lake trout jigging picks up. Toby managed a hit in around 90′ of water. We spent an hour or two checking out zones in 100′ to 130′ of water.
Fishing was reportedly very slow at Millican and at Taughannock. H20 reached 35 degrees today and feeder streams were pumping in 34 to 35 degree water. The lake level should be coming up shortly with all the run-offout there. Nice day to be out, but tough fishing.