Cayuga Lake 6/10 + 11 out of Dean’s Cove/Long Point
Had some top-notch fishing on Friday and then fair to good action on Saturday (again – using Cayuga standards.)
6/10 AM: Guided Jack out of Long Point. Jack first went out with me way back in 2005 when I first started guiding. I used to do some fishing with his son Willy. Both have traveled extensively and fly-fished for sailfish, tarpon, bones, redfish, brook trout, Atlantic salmon and more. Jack was up here for a Cornell reunion. We had some fairly spectacular lake trout fishing with fish up shallow. We got to watch numerous lake trout chase Jack’s jigs to the surface, circle around, then dive after them and so on. The fishing was great and the catching (although not quite up to the fishing) was still excellent. It was a solid double-digit day. Most fish ran around 23″ to 26″ although we had a couple big ones.
6/11 AM: I managed to avoid three deer on my drive up to Dean’s Cove today, where I met Ryan and his son Colin, who both joined me last year for a jigging trip during the summer out of Taughannock State Park. The winds shifted a bit today which changed the water temperature profiles quite a bit. We had fish scattered from shallow to deep and fortunately they were fairly cooperative. I had a lot of fun with young Colin onboard, who did a good job landing 3 or 4 solid lakers. We wound up with 8 fish, with a couple other fish that were dropped. Ryan had a nice rainbow around 24″ chase and go after his jig.
Colin hooked up


The "Colin-ator" strikes again!

Ryan with a solid