Cayuga Lake out of Long Point 2/12 midday
Finally got my first trip of the year underway! I had Jack and his friend Erick onboard today for a half-day trip getting underway around 10:15 am or so. First things first – the lake level is very low but was launchable at Long Point. A couple of boats appeared to have launched out of Dean’s Cove today as well, so that’s also a go. Water temperature was right around 39 degrees today.
My new 2023 Mercury 4-stroke 115 is a beautiful motor. I must say that these engines just keep getting better – quieter and quieter. They start up super-easily. Jack likes to get his limit, when possible and then call it a day. Fish are still in a mid-winter pattern on Cayuga Lake. They range in depth greatly – with some fish in very shallow, others very deep and many in-between. I’m not trying to be vague here, that’s exactly what it is. We had steady fishing today and within about 3 hours we were boxed out. We had two quick doubles going, but Erick’s fish got off. Fish ran from 21″ to 27″, with most either 22″ or 26″/27″. White, black, chartreuse and Arkansas shiner colors all worked for us, with white being the best today. We had our best action from around 130′ to 150′, although like I said – you can catch them pretty much wherever you want to, as long as you’re in the right general areas.
Cayuga’s west shore was LOADED with snow geese today! They have been around for the last week or two that I’ve noticed, although we saw them in the late-fall too. I could hear a few loons around and there were also the usual seagulls and Canadien Geese too.
Jack hooked up

Erick with a nice fish

Snow Geese from afar

The Bird Blizzard!

Bird Blizzard - another shot

You could say that there were some waterfowl out on Cayuga Lake today! Moving ahead, most dates remain open in February and March. Saturdays are mostly gone in April and Wednesdays are all gone in May – but most dates/other days of the week, are available. I am around for spur-of-the-moment trips as well. Deposits for those can be sent via Zelle.