Cayuga Lake out of Long Point 2/8 midday
Back on Cayuga Lake today with Joe (from January 2nd) and his friend John (who has also been out with me as a friend of Joe’s.) We saw another two boats out on the lake on the day. Water temp is hovering around 40 degrees on top. Water levels remain high for this time of year. The lake trout bite was fairly slow today with some good bite windows at times. Keep in mind that lake trout are still in winter patterns and are fairly dormant, although they will be opportunistic when the conditions suit them. There’s no real sign of any baitfish around yet (where we’re fishing), and probably won’t be for another 2 months. Most alewives are in very deep water this time of year – oftentimes 250′ or more.
The guys wound up with 9 solid lakers today ranging from 22″ up to 28″ or 29″. Nearly all fish that hit were landed today. We had a few wild fish in the mix. One larger fish had a fairly recent lamprey wound, but nearly all the other fish were very clean in terms of lamprey attacks. Many lure colors worked (see yesterday’s report for the colors we used.) Overall, it was a fun time on the lake with great weather. Like I mentioned in yesterday’s report, there’s a huge flock of snow geese on Cayuga Lake now! Joe described them looking like smoke from a distant fire – just a massive cloud of birds – a vortex if you will!
Joe on!

That's a nice fish you have there, Joe!

Another good one!

Some of the kept fish - John and Joe