Cayuga Lake out of Long Point 3/4 midday
Got right back out on Cayuga Lake today with Jack, who has already joined me a couple of times this year, and his friend Jack, whom I’d never met before. The “new” Jack owns a coffee shop and Jack brought me a chocolate croissant that his wife made, that the other Jack had bought at his shop; it was a day old and had been frozen. All that being said, it was BY FAR the best chocolate croissant I’ve ever had! Being trained in pastry/bread making in France is a good investment!
Anyways, we had a terrific day of fishing on the water. Jack likes to get his limit and then head home. The bite was nice and steady throughout the morning. It never got super-hot and heavy (no doubles or anything like that) but we never went for long without a hit or hookup. Jack likes to keep tabs, and figures that the guys were 10 for maybe 20 or more today. Fish ran from around 22″ to 27″, although we had one 18″er as well. Some of the fish really fought great. We were boxed out after 3.5 hours, which was perfect. Only a couple other boats were out – maybe one jigging that I saw and at least one had likely headed north for perch.
Depths still remain shallow for this time of year. We did best around 130′ but found fish from 115′ to around 145′ or so. Moving around seemed to help a bit. Arkansas Shiner, White and Black were our best colors.
Jack the "Regular" hooked up

New Jack holding a swirmin' trout

I had a brief conversation with a gal from DEC that’s been around for the past 8 or 9 months taking a creel survey. She reports people doing pretty well on perch up north, with quite a few pickerel being caught and one northern pike. Southern portions of the lake have been slower with some small landlocks being taken. The good thing about small salmon is that they grow up to become LARGE salmon!