Cayuga Lake out of Myers Park 8/3 AM
Guided a 1/2-day trip today starting at around 7:15 am. We had 6 people split up on two boats (Kurt and I.) Fishing was good for us to start, although the fish we were into ran small. A LOT of boats were out on Cayuga Lake today. I believe some sort of derby was going on. Trollers, including a lot of copper-pullers and jiggers were out in droves. There were a lot of areas I couldn’t fish because I didn’t want to encroach on other anglers when we have so much productive water on Cayuga Lake. Kurt ran into the same problem – he wasn’t free to expand on his areas as much as he normally does. I had Ian, his wife Katy and his brother Aaron onboard and we had a lot of fun today. The bite improved as the day went on and we got into the double-digits with our last two fish being a double hooked by Ian and Katy. We had some nice rainbows chasing jigs and Kurt’s group wound up nabbing a few of them as well.
There is algae around. If you check on the NYS HABs website, blooms are happening all over the region – even on Canandaigua and Skaneateles Lake, although they are small, localized blooms. Some mid-lake areas on Cayuga had a bit of discoloration and particulates. Overall though, even in those areas, the lake fished well. We had our best luck from around 85′ out to 140′ today. Keep in mind, that if you’re fishing along uneven bottoms on the lake, your depth finder can read 90′ but you can be in 120′. I don’t actually think we took fish in 85′, but that’s what the fish finder was registering. Some weedmats remain. Fleas weren’t bad. The bloom will start (or SHOULD start) to dissipate very shortly as cooler temps move in for the foreseeable future. The cool nights do a lot to knock down the algae. Fun day!
Katy on!

The double after being landed!

For what it’s worth, fish came on a variety of colors today – white, white/chartreuse, black and chartreuse silk.