Cayuga Lake out of Myers Park 9/21
Did a truncated full-day trip with Ben, his brother Scott and father Jim. We got underway at 7:30 am. I was wondering what the bite was going to be like today after yesterday’s somewhat slower fishing. There was some humidity in the air, a nice breeze and good cloud cover with some sun – all in all, perfect conditions for fishing, and the fish cooperated. Things were a little slow to start for the first hour or two but then quickly gained steam. The guys all caught fish today with Ben and Jim being the more serious anglers, while Scott fished intermittently. We even had a double of solid 27″ to 28″ fish. A lot of the fish had fresh lamprey wounds as well as healed wounds, but it’s nothing to be concerned about as far as I can tell. This time of year, lampreys are probably moving south in anticipation of their spawn next spring, so they have been around. Most fish were still in very good to excellent condition. Hot color today was Alewife (like yesterday.) Black hasn’t done much for us lately. “Space Alien” has also been good. We fished 85′ to 145′ today. I am the same age as Jim and we grew up not too far away from each other, so it was a lot of fun reminiscing about bygone days!
Jim with the first fish of the day - a good one!

Ben with one

Another nice one for Jim

Another for Ben!

Another for Jim!