Seneca Lake 7/16 AM + Owasco Lake 7/17
I’ve been laying off Cayuga Lake a bit lately with the continuing algae bloom. Reports from Cayuga Lake are indicating fishing ranging from poor to very good at times. Everything depends upon being in the right area at the right time. We have some strong winds forecast over the next couple of days which should help improve conditions. Stay tuned!
7/16 AM Seneca Lake out of Seneca Lake State Park: I booked this trip a while ago. Jeff was renting a place on Seneca Lake with his family and some friends and had experienced some slow jigging here over the past couple years (as have most of us that frequent this lake.) I let him know that I was cautiously optimistic regarding the prospects here. As the date grew closer, I fished the lake for fun and in part to scout it (last week) and had very encouraging results, so the guys were pretty optimistic going into our trip. We started just after 6:30 am.
We wound up having a decent day with Jeff landing a couple chunky lakers in the 27″ to 28″ range. His son Braden caught a nice one, as did their friend Garron. We were all impressed by how hard most of the fish fought. Some others were missed as well. We fished a variety of areas around the lake including right in front of their rental, which was where the guys landed two of their fish.
The fish generally looked good. All were wild. One had quite a few battle scars from the lamprey infestation of the past 6 or 7 years. All in all, an encouraging day on Seneca Lake.
Jeff hooked up early on!

Solid wild Seneca fish

Bradon on! These fish pulled hard!

Bradon with a laker

Number 2 fish for Jeff - and this one had some scars! We let go this old bruiser....

Garron's turn

Last one landed of the morning

7/17 Owasco Lake: Did a full day here starting at 6 am with Jeremy. He’s a very avid angler and has really impressed me since I met him. He loves targeting rainbows, browns and salmon, as well as catching lakers. I figured Owasco Lake would give us our best chance for those species. He keeps his boat on Cayuga Lake and was renting a place there for a chunk of this summer. He’s been catching some nice fish but the bloom and assorted other nuisances like Ithaca area boat-traffic, water fleas and weed mats necessitated a break.
We had a very solid day here. He managed to land 7 nice lakers from 18″ up to 25″ long. He probably lost 3 or 4 as well. He has a way with rainbows and landed two 22″ fish. He had chases and grabs from at least 3 or 4 more. No sign of browns today and we did try. No photos either – we wanted to get the rainbows back in the water as soon as possible. Both fish got wrapped a bit in my net, so we didn’t want to take any extra time for a few shots, but they were very healthy looking, clean fish. Fun day!