Cayuga 3/25 + 26
3/25: Very difficult conditions on Cayuga Lake! Whitecaps and steady 14 to 22 mph + winds made fishing a challenge to say the least. When I got to the launch, a bass boat was coming in reporting no action and another boater decided not to launch given the whitecaps. I fished a few areas and had a very tough time with boat control. I managed to miss a good salmon around 20″ in fairly shallow water on the W. shore. But that was it. The strong WSW winds kept inshore temps very cold! I only fished 2.5 hours before having to leave in order to teach classes.
3/26: Today was a different story. I launched at around 11:45 am without seeing another boat at the ramp. I missed one hit off the park and then motored south. I worked an area I hadn’t fished seriously for salmon in probably 3 or 4 years and struck paydirt! I had encounters with between 12 to 20 fish today – action was great. Only problem was I couldn’t keep fish on the hook! The water was calm and clear enough so I could see fish chasing my fly. That doesn’t happen often on Cayuga Lake with the winds we get. But I had a lot of fish making some crazy moves for my flies. Trout and salmon often aren’t very adept at hitting streamers and minnows. My flies needed some tweaking as well. I had some good sized fish show for my flies, incl. a HUGE fish – either a big brown or maybe a laker – it had to be 27″ to 30″ long! Maybe even a pike, but I don’t think so. I was in around 20′ of water and it showed up under the fly and took off. I had a pretty good look at its tail – and I’d say brown. After making a few changes to my presentation I started hooking up and landed an 18.5″ salmon and a 17.5″ fish. I missed another 20″+ fish and lost another good one as well. H20 was 36.5 degrees. My season on Cayuga for salmon could end today and I’d be happy. It’s been a terrific year! There are good numbers of 17″ to 19″ fish out there, as well as 20″ to 22″ fish and some 25″ fish. We should have great fishing on Cayuga in 2010 too!!!