Cayuga and Seneca Lake Reports 7/18 – 7/20
Fishing has been about as good as it gets over the past few days. On Saturday Charles from my first trip and Jimmy from my second told me that the fishing they had was “the best of their lives.” That’s a great feeling and I’m glad that the Finger Lakes are delivering!
7/18 Cayuga Lake out of Myers: Guided Greg on a quest for brown trout. He was out with me last week and lost a beauty on Seneca. He hammered them a few years back on Cayuga. We worked some areas and Greg landed close to a dozen lakers but no browns. The last area we hit was full of browns and we had a lot of follows. Greg landed a couple fat fish in the 20″ to 22″ range (they are FAT and pushing 5lbs or more!) They fought great. We had one nearly jump into the boat. A ton of browns were lost/dropped.
We are going to see some superb fishing on Cayuga Lake next year for lakers and brown trout at the very least. Lamprey numbers are down (and they will be treated in August.) Plenty of lakers will be pushing 27″ to 28″ next year and ranging upwards of 7 to 9lbs. Add in more wild fish than ever on Cayuga, plus a good class of browns and 2015 will be a salmonid party on this lake.
7/19 Seneca, Seneca, Seneca: There isn’t a better Finger Lake for lakers than Seneca when it is on. Nothing better! Large wild lakers were hitting hard for my AM trip with Charles and my PM (actually mid-AM trip) with Eddie and his buddy Jimmy. I could write an essay on the day, but in a nutshell the fishing was terrific with plenty of 27″ to 29″ fish landed. They were fat and healthy. Eddie’s first laker was bigger than the one my buddy Jarrod won the 2013 49th Annual Memorial Weekend Derby with! This thing was huge 35″+ long and in good condition. I’d guess 15lbs. At least high 14s. Fish came from around 85′ to 95′ deep. Assorted plastics did the trick. A few browns are around the north end as well and AZ friend Jeff nailed a nice one and Eddie had one follow.
7/20 Cayuga Lake out of Long Point: Guided Jim and Paul for 1/2 day starting around 6:15. Very good fishing on Cayuga with 10 solid lakers landed to 27″. Very few signs of lampreys. Just another great day and good time on the lake. Very few boats were out apart from the Federation Anglers fishing the tournament. Fun day with fish coming from 75′ to 90′. The usual plastics, including white reapers were hot.
Eddie's 35"+ Seneca Lake lake trout. This one had to be in the 15lb range! It was bigger than Jarrod's 14lb derby winner.

Greg with a good brown!