Cayuga Lake 8/19 + 20
Back out with Tony and Peter on both days. We did a full day on the 19th and a half in the AM on the 20th. The wind was very strong on the 20th and made for tougher fishing/boat control.
We had some great fishing on the 19th. A few lakers including a 32″ fish. Some nice browns and also a decent salmon. All went back into the lake. I don’t fish the tribs much at all anymore, but I do get questions about them. If we get some good rainfall this fall, expect some very good fishing for browns, salmon and rainbows. All these species are doing well this year in Cayuga. I would expect to see some browns running to at least 12lbs, though most will be around 6lbs. Salmon seem to be doing well size-wise but numbers are hard to ascertain. Rainbows are doing well but we encounter very few of them with the jigging techniques.
The 20th was tougher. The guys landed a laker and a couple browns. Tony had a follow from a giant brown and also lost a really nice one that was likely over 8lbs. I expect lake trout action to hold up fairly well for awhile, but the bite usually starts to taper a bit in September.