Cayuga Lake and Seneca Lake Shorefishing 3/6 + 3/7
Cayuga Lake 3/6: I gave the Power Plant a try for about an hour and a half in the late afternoon for trout/salmon with no hits. My buddy Mike did well there earlier fly-fishing, catching mostly browns and a few salmon to around 19″. Most browns are running around 15″ to 17″. We saw a nice rainbow caught and released along with a nice brown that made it home for a friend’s dinner. Quite a few limit catches of mostly browns have been taken here over the past couple weeks. It’s hit or miss in terms of angler pressure – you can drive over and be the only one there, or be sharing the water with 15 others.
Seneca Lake 3/7: Mike and I tried a couple different areas with our fly-rods. In the first area, I had one hit and managed to land a 27″ landlocked salmon – my longest one to date. It was a clean beautiful fish and found long and hard, mostly digging and doing some strong, sturdy runs. After a couple quick photos we released the fish.
In our second area, Mike landed a solid brown just under 5lbs and about 23″ that he kept. I also kept a 22″ salmon that was around 3lb 10oz if I remember right. That one was stuffed with a few small minnows, bluegills and tons of scuds. Mike had a couple other hits but that was it.
I was hoping to do some guiding this weekend or early next week, but unfortunately my truck is in the shop for a major repair (transfer case.) I’ve had good luck with my vehicles, but once in a while something happens. My 2007 Toyota Tundra has 121,000 miles on it – and probably 1/2 of it is towing, so I can’t complain too much.