Cayuga Lake out of Dean’s Cove 3/15


I got over to the launch around 1 pm, but spent the next two hours checking my power connections on my console depthfinder. I recently had my boat wood replaced and while working on the console wood it’s possible that a couple of the crimps may have been pulled loose a bit. I wasn’t able to fix the connections well enough to get enough power to get a strong signal, so I had depths but wasn’t able to mark fish!

I fished from around 3 pm till 6:45 pm mainly just checking out areas that often produce fish, dropping down my jigs and watching things on my Vexilar on the bow. I had 2 good chasers over by Aurora in around 125′ of water. I hooked one fish on my new jigging (Canavan) rod, but lost it. Out a little deeper (around 145′ to 150′) I missed another fish. Now that I have some fish located, I’ll be able to pinpoint things a bit better, but I need to get the electronics issue fixed.

Lake level is low (better than a couple weeks ago.) It’s launchable. I did see the first largemouth bass of the year, right in the “marina” at Dean’s! So that was pretty neat. Water temps were around 36. I have a new mold and tried out some new 1+1/2 oz. jig heads. So far so good. I’m going to try to get back out either on Seneca, Cayuga or Keuka once I get the electronics taken care of, and I’ll field test the new jigheads.