Cayuga Lake out of Long Point State Park 3/29 AM
Today I met Joe and his friend Bruce at around 8:30 AM at Long Point. The goal today was to get a good half-day of fishing in before the forecasted high winds out of the southwest hit. We managed to have a terrific day on the water and caught fish right up until the end of our trip. More and more fish are activating, actively feeding and moving in shallower. We fished depths ranging from around 120′ to 160′ today.
Action was excellent with the guys landing a limit worth of lake trout in an hour. Nine fish were kept on the day. Three 33″ lake trout were landed! One was an old lake trout that didn’t look like it would survive, so we kept it. The other two we released after some photos (of one of them.) Most fish ran 25″ to 27″. We had one small live lamprey come up with a fish, but otherwise they are looking very clean. The guys had a couple of doubles today! If the weather continues to “warm” at this slow pace, I expect some good to downright superb action over the next month and a half or so.
There are still some open dates left in April and May. Lake levels are excellent – we are pretty much at full pool. If we get much more rain, I expect the lake to really get high.
Doubled up!

Bruce and I

Joe with a beauty!

Bruce hooked up!

Joe with the best fish of the day!