Cayuga Lake out of Myers Park 8/24 AM
Guided Jeff and Abby, along with Abby’s nephew Isaac. I hadn’t guided Jeff and Abby in probably 10 or more years, so it was great to see them again! They have a place on Cayuga Lake near Rocky Dock/Little Point. Back in the old days, Isaac would’ve been too young to come fish with us, well time flies – he just graduated college! I believe that I first had Jeff and Abby out in 2007! I swung by their dock to pick them up and we fished with a few miles of their place. We did not have to go far, there are fish all over Cayuga Lake! We were into lake trout in short order with Isaac nabbing the first one, the Jeff landed a good one, then Abby dropping a nice one right before it got into netting range. She then nabbed a nice fish then Jeff caught a slob! Fishing was excellent for the first 90 minutes or so that we were out with a couple of doubles hooked. The bite slowed down a bit but we had hits throughout the morning. We wound up just hitting the double-digits. Jeff had a big rainbow or salmon (probably a rainbow) follow his jig right up to the boat and take a few swipes at it to no avail. Gorgeous weather outside and relatively light boat traffic has remained the rule for this summer.
Abby on!

Nice fish Abby!

Jeff with a slob! I think this one went 32".

A lot of lake trout are deeper than I typically see them for this time of year. We did very well starting out in 130′ to 140′ FOW! That warm water from the hot summer isn’t going anywhere soon. Usually fish move out as the fall progresses, it’ll be interesting to see how deep these Cayuga fish wind up going come October/November.