Cayuga Lake out of Myers Park 9/14 AM
Guided Jon, Casey and Casey’s mom, Tammy for a 1/2-day-trip getting underway just before 8 am. Tammy’s birthday was around last weekend and we were going to do the trip last Saturday, but had to reschedule due to the weather. Everything was much better today, all the way around! Due to fog and deer, they ran a bit late so we got going around 8 am, rather than at 7:30 am, which was our agreed upon starting time. I was going to run them north of Myers, but switched plans at the last second as we headed out from the launch. I figured that with the late start, I didn’t want them to miss a bite window, so we set up fairly close to the park. If things weren’t happening, we could run north.
We ended up getting into fish right away, and the bite stayed steady right up until we took off at 12:30 pm. We had a dozen fish landed within 2 hours and it kept going from there. They kept a limit of lakers, topped off by Jon’s 32″+ beauty. We also released a handful of fish. No other salmonids in the mix today. Lakers were fighting good for the most part. Three or four had some fairly fresh lamprey wounds, but most were very clean. “Space Alien” was the hot color for Jon (chartreuse head/white body – typically a Money Minnow) but we had good fishing on black and Arkansas Shiner too. We had a couple doubles on the day as well. It was the best laker bite I’ve seen on Cayuga probably since prior to the bloom, which is pretty crazy! I’m not sure why the fish were hitting so well, but the steady weather usually helps. We also had a nice morning thermal and a little bit of cloud cover. I’m sure some luck played a role as well – we were in the right place and the right time. Best depths were around 120′ to 150′ today. We may have had a couple fish shallower, but most of the action was deep. Plenty of fish are probably out in water upwards of 150′ to 200′ deep.
Tomorrow is still available and the weather looks great. If you’re looking for a last minute trip, call me at (607)319-0450 or email me at [email protected] The boat is hooked up and ready to roll! After that, I have the 17th – 20th of September open and then we’re into October.
Jon hooked up

This beauty went over 32" long!

Another nice one - I think this was his first one of the day

Casey on

Nice fish Casey!

Tammy hooked up

First one of the day for Tammy

Tammy on late in the trip

Late day double with Casey and Jon