Cayuga Lake out of Taughannock 6/2


Full day out with Steve and Dan. Things got off to a promising start with Steve nailing a 28″ laker suspended in about 60′ of water north of Millican within about 20 minutes. After that, things slowed down a lot. It was Steve’s biggest fish to date, so we felt good about that. We busted our butts searching and working areas from north of Sheldrake to Rocky Dock and back across the lake. We hit deep and shallow and in-between! Dan picked up a 16″ to 17″ laker and that was about it. One or two other hits were missed, but overall slow action despite huge volumes of bait fish starting to move in. Most bait was suspended up high in the water column. Generally the best laker action on this lake is with bait on the bottom or near it.

We tried pike fishing for hours and saw one very nice fish – probably 35″ or more, but it wasn’t interested. The bright news is that perch are all over the southern portions of the lake! The guys had perch hammering their tube jigs and X-raps. Many were small but we kept a couple up to 13″. Great opportunities for the kids or anyone who wants a lot of action. Water temps were warm on the south end – up to 66 or 67 degrees. We were pike fishing in the middle of the day with no wind and pretty sunny conditions – which is tough, but I still would have expected to see a couple fish at least. All I can say for pike fans is “Seneca”. 😉

The guys fished really hard giving it 100%. So I felt good about the fishing despite the relatively poor catching. That’s what it’s all about – give it your all and let the chips fall where they may.