Cayuga Lake out of Taughannock 7/14 AM
Guided Stu, Todd and Teddy for a 1/2 day trip starting at 8 am which wound up being abbreviated by incoming thunderstorms. We had some good mid-lake fishing with around a half dozen solid fish landed anchored by Todd’s fat 28″ slob. We actually had two live lampreys come up onboard, which is more than I’ve been seeing this year. Stu had a hold of a 17″ to 18″ salmon for a bit as well.
There are plenty of fish and bait now in the mid-lake areas. This will help scatter some of the fishing pressure that has been taking place around Aurora. Stu reported some fair smelt fishing having taken place earlier this year at Taughannock Creek. I get a few emails every year regarding the smelt dipping, so that was encouraging to hear. Maybe some day the smelt will bounce back. They have boom and bust cycles and are currently doing well in Lake George, Lake Champlain and Owasco Lake from what I’ve heard and read.
A couple kayakers were in the middle of the lake working their way back to shore. They were lucky that the storm stayed north. I would not want to be in a kayak in the middle of any major Finger Lake when a raging thunderstorm comes through. It would be an easy way to drown.