Cayuga Lake out of Taughannock 7/7
Guided Andy and Sharon today for an AM 1/2 day starting at 6 am. The laker jigging was very good today with a fairly steady bite starting with Andy’s first drop of the jig. Fish ranged from 20″ to nearly 30″. Trollers did well, as did other jiggers; it was a typical day of very good fishing just before a cold front worked its way into the region. Thunderstorms rolled in around 10:15 am and we wrapped up with the fish still hitting. It was Andy and Sharon’s first time with the technique and they had a good day landing 10 solid fish. 75′ to 90′ was the zone we worked with a great bite around 85′. No eels on any fish today. They have dispersed throughout the lake. Most of our fish were very clean.