Cayuga Lake out of Union Springs 7/13 AM


Guided Matt today for 1/2 day AM. We’d experienced the horrid weather on the Friday before Memorial Day Weekend, and were ready for some much nicer fishing conditions. He’s been catching a lot of largemouths on the north end of the lake lately and I took him around to some late summer areas. We didn’t have any action to speak of in the places south that he worked. We checked on lakers, which he hadn’t done before and he had some very good action, landing 5 in short order. Unfortunately each one came up with an attached lamprey! Matt’s now a convert to the laker fishing on Cayuga. It does feel good to land some heavy fish! Top fish was around 7lbs or better.

We returned north to some areas around his cottage and the bass fishing was good, with him landing 4 decent largemouths on a Yozuri Rattlin’ Vibe in 12′ to 14′ FOW. He also had a very nice bluegill gobble a crankbait. Cayuga is a fantastic panfish lake, though the sunnies and bluegills don’t get much attention from open-water anglers. We also saw quite a few gar today surfacing, which was cool. As is usually the case on Cayuga in the summer, there were at least 3 bass tournaments going on. I enjoy tournaments but don’t like the fact that fish are moved around so much. Expect good bass fishing around Long Point and Dean’s Cove solely due to the fact that so many fish get released in those areas due to tournaments.

Bass appear to be in late-June/early July patterns on Cayuga Lake – meaning most good action that I could see (and I could also see where numerous tournament boats were fishing) was up north. If we see a big migration southerly, it may not be for awhile yet. We’ll see. Water temps around Union Springs were about 76, and around the crescent area they were 72. Lakers ranged from about 73′ to 85′.