Cayuga Lake Shorefishing out of Taughannock 3/13
I bought a couple nice new rods from Bass Pro Shops last week and was looking forward to seeing how they perform on the water. I rigged up myboron/graphite composite Browning Midas rod with a Shimano Stradic reel and a hometied jig and started casting. The rod cast the 1/8 oz jigs fairly well in the wind. I fished the marina walls then worked towards the creek mouth. I got lucky and hooked up a nice fish near the creek mouth. I thought it was a lake trout, since it didn’t jump or make any great runs. As I worked it in I was surprised at how strong it was- I needed to do quite a bit of backreeling. As I led it ashore I noticed it wasn’t a laker, but a nice brown trout. I kept the fish and once I got it home I measured and weighed it – 28″ and 7lbs 12oz! It was a nice hook-jawed male brown. Word is that quite a few nice browns have been caught throughout the winter at Taughannock and at AES. I expect many of these browns to pull the scales at 12 to 17lbs or better this summer/fall. Can’t wait! I should have some photos up once I get the film (yeah film) developed.