Cayuga out of Taughannock 5/26


Today was a 1/2-day guide trip with Jim and Joe. Jim joined me last year on Owasco Lake for some good jigging action. Today was one of the toughest fishing days I’ve seen all season. We started by working around Taughannock Park for trout/salmon by casting. Water temps were in the low 50s and we didn’t have the best winds for the day, but I thought we’d have good chances. The guys may have had a hit or two (they could have been perch) but nothing solid. We made passes around the park and just south with no sign of trout/salmon (Jim may have had one solid hit near the ck. mouth). So our back-up plan was laker jigging. We checked the east shore across Taughannock and north to above AES. We marked a few lakers, but next to no bait. No hits. We shot across the lake to Kidders/Sheldrake. This area often loads up with bait this time of year. Zippo. We then decided to extend the day and I motored all the way up to Dean’s Cove. Bait was everywhere and there were also some good marks but no hits. We had one suspended laker (?) hit a tube but no hookups. We fished around Long Point and Levanna too. There was deep bait around – from 110′ to 130′ but no grabs.

I met up with my buddy Phil at around 1:30 or 2 pm and we fished the southern portions of the lake till around 5:30. Perch were everywhere and schools of them attacked my tube jig and Superfluke. Fly-fishing for pike was slow and I missed a couple good grabs/follows. We didn’t have time to work many areas. It was a slow day all the way around for us.