Cayuga out of Taughannock 8/31 + Owasco Lake 9/1


Fishing is basically good to excellent on both Cayuga and Owasco Lakes for lake trout. I had Kelly and Mike out on the boat. They’d joined me earlier in the year on July 4th. We had somewhat slow lake trout fishing in the morning with one or two fish landed. Bass fishing was better and the guys caught a few decent smallmouths. We went back to the lakers around 11 am on the east shore and the fishing picked up considerably. The guys landed 8 nice fish – mostly all 26″ to 28″ fish. Fishing slowed as the lake got rough around 2pm.

Guided all day on Owasco today. Fishing this AM was excellent for Frank and Carol. They were out with me on July 19th! They’d landed around 9 lakers then and were doubting that they could do as good this time. Well, they had 6 fish within 2 hours. They totaled 14 lakers landed by 11:30am! I think they had 2 doubles going. The fishing slowed a bit in the afternoon as Jim joined me. (Jim was a repeat from earlier this week and last year!) Fishing was tricky and Jim dropped 3 or 4 nice fish landing one early on. A few hours later the bite picked up and Jim landed 3 more nice fish. We also had one on that may have been a bass or brown/rainbow. Fish were aggressively chasing jigs today and many were suspended by midday. 65′ to 95′ was best. H2O was 70 degrees on top. Lakers are stuffing themselves with large alewives.