Keuka 6/5 out of Branchport


Back out on Keuka around 7:45 am with Eric. We started near the Power Plant in 40′ of water. We had a ton of great marks over there, but the fishing wasn’t as fast as we’d have hoped – given the number of fish. Lots of short hits. Eric landed 4 or 5 fish, I got one. We both dropped fish and missed hits. Fish were pretty small overall 17″ to 21″. We’ll be experimenting with some different tackle for these fish in the future.

We headed north looking for smallies. We worked a lot of water – fishing thoroughly. Fishing was slow with the high sun and lack of wind. Eric did manage to land a couple nice (15″ to 16″ smallies) on streamers. Fish were scattered – some up shallow, others suspended. I had a nice rainbow (?!) follow in a streamer – it was probably around 3lbs or better. The wind kicked up and bass got more active. I picked up an 18″ smallie on a 1/2 oz. terminator spinnerbait. Also got a 17″ fish on a superfluke. We could see pods of bass! Very cool.

Lake trout continued to hit well on nearly all points in 40′ to 60′. We picked up a few more bass and some panfish along with a snagged bullhead. Water temps are in the low 60s on the surface. Lots of lakers still around Branchport as well.