Keuka Lake 11/21
Guided David, Mike and Rodney for the full day. Conditions were cold in the morning, but warmed as the day progressed. By noon it felt like May out there – balmy in the sun. The bite started out fair, then slowed and then picked up considerably. I would still consider the overall fishing to be very good to excellent on Keuka Lake for lake trout. The guys landed 24 or 25 nice fish today and we kept a limit. None of the fish I cleaned had spawned yet. Overall size range was 17″ to 22 1/2″. Water temp was 49/50 degrees. Fish ranged from 65′ to 115′. There are loads of trout around the Branchport Arm and throughout the Bluff Area.
Had fun with the guys today and while I cleaned some fish, Dave – who’s quite the chef, decided to try a couple lake trout eggs. He was raving about them. I refused to try them for awhile, but finally popped a few in my mouth. They were surprisingly good. Many of my customers from Europe value the trout roe considerably. With a salt or sugar cure, I’m sure they would be quite the delicacy. But I was definitely impressed with the texture and flavor of the eggs raw. There are quite a few trout roe recipes online for those of you who are curious about this!