Otisco Lake 11/3 AM
Got out here with Jim for a 1/2 day trip starting at 7:30 am. We’d both forgotten about daylight savings time, but that wasn’t a big deal. On the drive over, I had 25 degrees in places registering on my truck temp gauge! It was cold and my boat had a good layer of frost on it. Needless to say, we were the only people at the state launch when we arrived and launched. Jim booked this trip a long time ago and I told him that our conditions for musky fishing were not likely to be good – we had a forecast for clear, sunny skies and very light to non-existent winds. He didn’t mind; he just wanted to give it a shot and check out the lake.
Conditions actually didn’t wind up being too bad. After a couple hours on the water, they improved with some cloud cover and north winds. Jim did have a flight to make later in the day, so we got off the water at around 12:30. The best fishing today probably would have been in the afternoon.
On the day’s fishing: He had one nice 3lb+ largemouth take a swipe at a new Rapala 110 jerkbait that I had him try. In some shallow water, a nice musky in the 30″ range surged for his spoon, but didn’t grab it. That was it for action on the morning. By the time 10 am rolled around, there was a good 8 to 10 boats out on the lake as well as around a half-dozen guys fishing the causeway. As we headed in, guys shorefishing told us that a huge tiger musky swam right under the boat! Fishing here continues to be decent – I had and saw a couple reports from earlier this week and one from today and some tigers are being caught along with bass. Everything (as usual) depends on being in the right area at the right time with the right presentation.
The view looking north early in the morning!