Owasco Lake 11/18
Had an interesting day on Owasco Lake with Dave and Rich. Originally they’d wanted to fish Seneca for northerns but the winds weren’t looking too promising, so I suggested Owasco Lake. Rains had muddied up the southern portion of the lake but Dave and Rich kept up their confidence. After Rich lost what was probably a BIG pike, Dave hooked a nice fish! Wound up being a big walleye around 26″ and 6 to 7lbs. FAT!!! The water visibility was around 10″ at best – maybe 6″. Just a mudhole down there. A little lake trout jigging produced a hit or two and one nice laker. They were down around 100′. One bass was caught as was one northern pike – nothing huge. We worked some other areas in hopes of another walleye and Dave connected again with a 25″ beauty probably around 4.5 to 5lbs.
Dave’s a terrific fisherman and I learned some cool stuff today. He (and his brother) made things easy for me. I showed them the areas and they caught the fish. Dave never got discouraged despite never having fished the lake. He also fished hard in the muddy water. Like “Ike” from bass fishing fame, we “fished the moment” and “never gave up”, and it turned what could have been a very difficult and disappointing day into a terrific day with 2 gorgeous walleyes that anyone would be proud of. Nice job Dave and Rich!!! I’ll have photos shortly. And yes, this lake’s got quite a few nice walleyes…