Seneca Lake out of Sampson State Park 10/28


Guided a half day trip with Rob and Chloe targeting pike. Despite the light rain and cold temps this morning at 8 am when we met at the park, the weather moderated and it turned into a very pleasant day on the lake. Fishing was very good today – they managed to land 12 solid pike and one hybrid pike/pickerel – a “pikeral” if you will that Chloe caught. Gorgeous fish! Sizes were the same as we’ve seen all fall – 24″ to 28″, but fairly solid fish. Rob caught one while fly-fishing on a type 6 full sinking line. Kept fish had banded killifish and one yellow perch in their stomachs but not much else. No alewives, which was surprising. We tried a half hour of laker jigging off the park and Rob had one hit. I marked some lakers but not a whole lot – not as many as I was seeing in the area at this time last year, though that doesn’t signify anything.