Sodus Bay 6/30 + Cayuga Lake 6/30 – 7/1


Guided Mark on Sodus hoping for some fly-fishing action on the drum and gar. The drum and baitfish disappeared from their usual areas. I wasn’t able to find them in fly-fishable concentrations. Gar fishing was inexplicably tough! We found plenty of fish, had decent water temps but we just couldn’t get them to go. Had one follow from a small one and that was it! Winds were pretty strong, so that may have been a factor. We checked out L.Ontario for an hour or two. Green slime is back 🙁 Shades of the 1970s and 80s out there. Water temps were in the mid-60s. Didn’t see much.

On the way back we tried Cayuga. Lake trout action remains excellent with 3 or 4 fish caught in short order!

On 7/1, I guided Mark and Mike on Cayuga. The morning fishing was tougher than expected. It took some time to get into a groove. Found the fish had moved shallower than I’d seen them in awhile. Did well around 48′ and deeper. Action seemed to pick up as the morning went on. The guys landed around 10 fish, including a very nice one around 31″ and probably 9.7lbs or so (it was the same size as our Red Cross board fish last year.) We’ll be back out tomorrow, and the guys appear to have the technique down pretty well.