Updates Moving Forward including Cayuga Lake
Update on Cayuga Lake: From reports I’ve had over the past couple of days, it sounds like a lot of the water has cleared up, likely due to the high winds from the storm system that came through last week and possibly from the recent cool nights. I’ve heard swimming in going on at Taughannock again after a week or so closure due to the bloom. I don’t think the bloom has run its course yet, but maybe it will be milder this year. We will see.
I’ve been trying to post fishing reports every day when I get back from a trip, and it’s been working well. The longer I wait between posts, the more typing I have to do and the more photos that I have to upload.
Availability Moving Forwards is as follows:
August: 2nd – 4th, 7th, 9th – 11th, 16th – 17th, 23rd – 29th, 30th AM, 31st.
September is still wide-open apart from Saturday the 7th and 21st.
Lake view from Myers Park 7/12 - complements of Jeremy Z. Yep, it's green!

I found this photo (actually a slide) recently. Anyone here that fished Irondequoit Creek back when it was Linear Park would recognize the area.

This photo was probably from 1978 or 1979. I was around 12 to 13 years old. The old-timer seated behind me was from East Rochester if I remember correctly. He would tell me about fishing the creek in the 1960s, before the sewage interceptor was build in the early 1970s. Most people don’t realize that the creek from Spring Lake Park downstream to Linear Park was radically altered during the late 1960s to early 1970s. I remember cranes and all kind of earth moving equipment off of the old one lane bridge connecting Penfield to East Rochester. When we moved to Penfield in 1972, you could DRIVE over the decrepit Linear Park bridge! There were old style cranes with the buckets that would go up with a cable all over the place pictured here. The creek was channelized and the falls were altered. The guy told me that the falls at Linear Park used to be much higher and only the strongest fish could swim over (this would be pre-1971 in all likelihood.) He said the bullhead fishing was terrific and they could catch pike two at a time.
I was a mobile young angler at the time fishing as hands-free as possible, not carrying around any tackle boxes. I went through a goofy phase using 2lb. test yellow Stren. You can see my hook dialing box and worm box. I broke off a few carp and got tired of using “thread.” I had so much hair back then, it was a nuisance. I don’t have to worry about that anymore, that’s for sure! Anyways there was nothing like being young back in the 1970s/80s and just walking down to “the creek” without having any real worries!!!