Contact Form Should Be All Set + A Few Other Notes…


My contact form bugs have been worked out.  I can be reached via that form or directly by email at    My phone number is (607)319-0450.

Not much new to report here in the Finger Lakes as of this writing on February 18th.   Cold temperatures and ample snowfall have made for ice-fishing and some shorefishing opportunities but very limited boat fishing opportunities.  We usually start seeing warmer temperatures in March.  We’ll see how it goes this year.  My schedule is wide-open.

Pike/pickerel season closes March 15th.  It is unlawful to target those species (even for catch and release) until the season opener the 1st Saturday in May.  As usual, my focus from mid-March through April will be lake trout, landlocked salmon and whatever other salmonids we can catch.  March is oftentimes the best fishing month in the area for salmon.  Book now for the best selection of dates!

If you aren’t signed up to keep a DEC diary, what are you waiting for?  Seneca Lake can really use some cooperators as can Keuka, so if you fish either of these lakes contact Region 8 Fisheries and sign up!