Skaneateles Lake 4/22 PM
Guided Craig and Dave for a 1/2 day of fishing starting at around 12:45 pm. If you follow this site, you’ll know that Dave caught that 30.5″ monster wild brown trout here last year. We had a fairly calm lake up until around 12:30 pm, when we finally got our much needed wind. We worked four areas on the day and the guys had solid fishing in three of them. Quite a few smallmouths had moved up shallow since I was last here and the guys caught plenty of them. We had some good perch, but not as many as I would’ve expected. The full-moon may have played into the slower perch bite, I’m not sure. Dave had hold of a good rainbow trout around 22″ or 23″ that he lost just before I could net it. The blame for that goes on me. His hair-jig hook straightened out! I use quality hooks when I tie my jigs, but sometimes they get bent and I bend them back in shape. Doing that once or twice doesn’t hurt anything (usually) but if they’ve been bent enough times, they’ll get weak. I have no idea how many times I may have bent that hook. From now on, I’ll pay more attention! I’m still learning…
Craig caught a really nice 25″ lake trout which fought really well. He also caught a 20.5″ beast of a smallmouth that also fought really well. Overall a good day but we still aren’t seeing many rainbow trout or salmon in this lake. I’m glad we at least had one rainbow trout today.
Craig hooked up with a nice Skaneateles lake trout

Nice 25" lake trout

Craig's 20.5" smallmouth!